To perform as well as possible on maximum effort attempts, using chalk is crucial for lifts like the bench, squat, deadlift, snatch, and clean & jerk. Simply put: to be your best, you need some chalk.
While chalk is cheap and easy to transport, some gyms don’t allow chalk because it can be “messy.” Fortunately, liquid chalk allows lifters to gain the grip benefits of chalk without making a mess. The liquid chalk bottles are also much smaller and won’t draw the same attention as a bag of chalk.
For the best chalk and liquid chalk, look no further:
321 Strong Chalk Bag
This soft fabric bag of chalk gets the job done well at a great price. The resealable plastic bag that it comes in can be used to help keep the chalk contained, but you’re probably better off using a sturdy Tupperware container to help keep your gym bag chalk free. Alternatively, I use several plastic grocery store bags to store the plastic bag + chalk ball with good results.
Beasty Liquid Chalk
I personally use this liquid chalk and love it. I’d say it’s 90% as effective as “normal” chalk and provides a HUGE advantage vs. an unchalked grip. If your gym doesn’t allow chalk, do yourself a favor and pick up some Beasty Liquid Chalk.
Cool Stuff – Chalk Ball Bag
For a bit more than the 321 Strong Chalk Bag, the Cool Stuff Chalk Ball Bag provides a strong polyester bag to help keep the chalk ball bag contained. Other than that, it’s just chalk – it works. 🙂
Happy lifting!