This is a twice per week, 9 week conjugate strength program that only programs for the squat and deadlift. It was put out by Nick Spataro and you can see his video overview of the program below. [Read more…]
9 Week Powerlifting Program Spreadsheets
Here is a filtered list of powerlifting programs that last for 9 weeks.
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Lift Specific 9 Week Programs
Extended Russian Power Routine Spreadsheet
The 9 week Extended Russian Power Routine is an extended version of the Russian Squat Routine that is designed to peak all three competition lifts. It is extended from the 6 week Russian Squat Routine to allow for more recovery since the lifter will be lifting at high intensity for squat, bench press, and deadlift. [Read more…]
TSA 9 Week Beginner Powerlifting Program
The Strength Athlete (TSA) released their 9 week beginner powerlifting program (aka general beginner approach) as a follow up to their successful 9 week intermediate powerlifting program. Like the intermediate program before it, the beginner program is structured as a 4 day, 9 week program, but also includes a 4 week peak if preparing for a meet.
[Read more…]RTS General Intermediate Program Spreadsheet – Mike Tuchscherer
Reactive Training Systems (RTS) train some of the strongest powerlifters on the planet, so when Mike Tuchscherer published a general outline for a training program people took notice. [Read more…]
Candito Advanced 9 Week Squat Program Spreadsheet
Released in 2016 by Jonnie Candito, this is a 9 week advanced squat program. Similar to his advanced deadlift program and advanced bench press program, this emphasizes progression on the squat and places significantly less emphasis on the bench and deadlift. This is geared toward lifters that have plateaued on their squat or are looking to focus on it for other reasons. [Read more…]
TSA 9 Week Intermediate Powerlifting Program (v1.0 + v2.0)
September 21, 2019 Edit: Added v2.0 of the 9 Week Intermediate Powerlifting Program.
Description from The Strength Athlete:
We wrote this program as a nine-week program for an intermediate level powerlifter, with the goal of strength and proficiency in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. You will work using progressively heavier loads week by week toward a
[Read more…]Brian Alsruhe 9 Week Powerbuilding Program (5/3/1 Variant)
Check out the spreadsheet for Brian Alsruhe’s 5/3/1 variant program, which is excellent for those looking for a powerbuilding training style.
Please watch Brian’s video to understand how the program works. [Read more…]
Classic 9 and 12 Week Powerlifting Peaking Program Spreadsheets
As old as time itself, these peaking programs can be run for squat, bench, and deadlift when preparing for a powerlifting meet. Both seek to improve your 1 rep max by 5% after the end of the cycle.
The differences between the 9 week and 12 week peaking cycles can be seen below: [Read more…]
Fred Hatfield (Dr. Squat) 9 Week Peaking Program Spreadsheet
Update: KG and LB rounding now supported.
Developed by Fred Hatfield (aka Dr. Squat), this 9 week peaking program is based on two workouts per week: one heavy, one light.
It can be run for a specific lift or all three lifts.
The 1RM increase is 10%, making it an ambitious peaking program, although it does allow for a deload period half way through the program for recovery. [Read more…]