Check out Calgary Barbell 8 and 18 week program reviews below.
If you’d like to write your own review, you can use the comment section at the bottom of the page.
For spreadsheets: Calgary Barbell 8 and 16 Week Program Spreadsheets
- 22, M, 6′, BW between 210 and 195
- 16 week program
- 4 days per week
- Lift progress
- Squat
- 315 –> 395
- Bench Press
- 225 –> 275
- Deadlift
- 405 –> 455
- Squat
- 16 week program
- 4 days per week
- Lift progress(lb)w
- Squat
- 425 –> 475
- Bench Press
- 255 –> 275
- Deadlift
- 425 –> 450
- Squat
- 16 week program
- 4 days per week
- Lift Progress (lb)
- Squat
- 340 –> 380
- Bench Press
- 190 –> 225
- Deadlift
- 405 –> 430
- Squat
- M, 29, 92kg / 202lb
- 16 week program
- Ran 13 weeks, see review for full details
- 4 days per week
- Lift progress (kg)
- This athlete used the program to peak for a powerlifting meet. The meet did not go as well as they had hoped. Read the review for the full details.
- The athlete removed 3 weeks from the program due to time constraints and changed their deadlift stance. These factors likely had an impact on their training outcome.
- M, 23, 155lb
- 8 week program
- Lift progress (lb)
- Squat
- 350 –> 364
- Bench Press
- 245 –> 259
- Deadlift
- 485 –> 502
- Squat
- 16 week overview
- 4 day program
- F, 5’2″, 129lb –> 115lb
- Lift progress (lb)
- Squat
- 159 –> 198
- Bench Press
- 99 –> 110
- Deadlift
- 198 –> 231
- Squat
- Volume cycle on MyStrengthBook
- Not one of the free 8 or 16 week strength programs
- “As for the program itself, I really enjoyed it. I had done four months of Sheiko before this so it was really nice to do different rep ranges (e.g. 4 sets of 7). There was no max testing (makes sense since it’s a volume cycle) so I’m not sure if I’m any stronger but I think it was a good prep for my next strength phase. I enjoyed doing some movements that were unfamiliar to me (e.g. bird dog) and the variety of exercises. There was a TON of deadlifting (every day of the four day program) in the second phase which I wasn’t used to. I developed a neck injury during this phase but this was actually good because it forced me to fix a bad habit I had developed of not keeping my neck in a neutral position.”
- Volume cycle on MyStrengthBook
Video Review: Calgary Barbell 8 + 16 Week Program
How to Write a Useful Review
Lift Vault only wants to share reviews that will be useful for other members. Please follow these guidelines when submitting a review via the comment section:
- General background info (age, gender, weight)
- Results of program
- If possible, include before/after details on your lifts
- If body weight changed significantly, those details are also helpful
- How long did you run the program
- Pros/Cons
- Did you make any alterations to the program?
- General experience of running the program
- Would you recommend the program to others?
- Use the star rating tool to rate the program
Reviews that do not follow these guidelines will not be published (though if you include your contact information, you will be contacted and have an opportunity to improve the quality of your review).