The OG is back … or is it? Phase One Nutrition is back at its awesomeness that helped it become a stand-out in the industry. Pre-Phase KO Black is the high-intensity DMHA stimulant-based pre-workout that delivers each and every use.
Check this product out if you are looking for an introduction to high stimulants but nothing that will put your heart on the red line. I recommend this for both people looking for a mid-to-high head buzz and the stim junkies alike.
Thank you, Jake with Nutricartel, for sending this full product for review!
Pre-Phase KO Black is the high-intensity DMHA stimulant-based pre-workout that delivers each and every use.
Discount Code
LIFTVAULT = 15% off at Nutri Cartel
Where to Buy Pre-Phase KO Black by Phase One
You can buy Pre-Phase KO Black by Phase One from the following retailers:
- Nutri Cartel
- LIFTVAULT = 15% off
- Supps Central
- LIFTVAULT15 = 15% off
- Muscle Factory SC
- LV5 = $5 off
While taking a few steps, I had random spots of tingly sensations all over my body just lightly. After five minutes, my face started to tingle in my cheeks and moved to my head as the intensity increased. After five more minutes, the tingles moved to my lips and tongue. After 15 minutes, I began to feel happy vibes and slight, increased energy. Improved breathing and focus were apparent at a 4/10 around the 20-minute mark. I was pretty impressed by how quickly this product kicked in as many products often do not deliver until around 45 minutes. I’m already feeling perfect and looking forward to what happens next.
As the tingling sensation continued moving down my body, starting with my neck and shoulders into my lower back, the sensations felt great! This paresthesia effect is desirable, as it is a non-stimulant way to intensify the performance and drive you to hit the gym. Everything kicks in together around 40 minutes, including a slight trembling in my hands. The focus leaves you at 8/10 with an almost euphoric head high. Aggression and intensity are present to drive you to hit the weights. I had more than enough energy for my routine inclduing cardio and some HIIT (high-intensity interval training). Even before high power, I could feel the alpha yohimbine heating me up. I could see some vascularity that must have popped up after intense exercise, and the pumps came in only after pushing hard with the weights.
I didn’t experience a crash-like come down, but while I was buzzed for many hours, it did level off, which was noticeable. It was an excellent mid-to-high stimulant-based pre-workout delivered consistently each time.
Side Effects
The only noticeable side effect I did experience was the dreaded, stimulant-affected anatomy, which inhibits even the best of the boys. Although not all forms have this effect, DMHA tends to restrict blood flow to that region, and this product hits strong.
Sour Gummy is the flavor I received, which was delicious and reminiscent of the gummy candy Brite Crawlers. Flavor ratings are purely subjective and only show on a scale how good or bad a flavor is for those interested. I rate this a 9 out of 10, as it hit the right sour and has good flavoring. The suggested amount of water is 8-12 ounces per serving, and I enjoyed it most, around 12 ounces.
Dose/Scoop Size
The serving size is 13.8 grams at a full one-scoop serving. The serving amount is a hefty rounded scoop, but the scooper may change as the manufacturing does. For accurate measurements, use a food scale to prevent unwanted high-stimulant effects. I like the large, rounded scoop which can prevent overdose.
I used the total one-scoop dose with each serving, which hit well enough to review it adequately. This version comes in a 20-serving tub, the current market standard for many pre-workouts. The mixability was excellent, with a smaller amount of sediment toward the end of the cup.

This label is an excellent formulation with clinical dosages and potent ingredients. The only possible changes I would make is increasing the citrulline by 2 grams and the beta-alanine to the 3.2 clinical dosage. I might even change the choline form to alpha gpc, but the one gram of bitartrate is a solid dose.

Citrulline – 6 g
L-citrulline is one of the most common pre-workout ingredients. Extensive evidence supports its ability to increase nitric oxide production, power output, pumps, blood flow, and endurance. It is typical for this ingredient to contain malic acid mixed in a 2:1 ratio per the clinical studies if disclosed. Malic acid has some benefits similar to beta-alanine, and these ingredients aren’t in a chemical bond, some products may list malic acid as a separate ingredient.
You want four to 6 grams of pure l-citrulline for proper clinical dosage. If the ratio on the label is 2:1, a 6-gram dose would contain close to 3.96 grams. Per the clinical trials, daily supplementation is required to obtain the full benefits.
Some critical effects are amino acid precursors, enhanced nitric oxide production, improved endurance, reduced muscle fatigue, cardiovascular health, and erectile dysfunction.
Beta-Alanine – 3 g
Beta-alanine has been shown to support muscular endurance and act as a lactic acid buffer. Depending on the source of this ingredient, you may feel the paresthesias tingling effect. This feeling is often desirable in the sports community, as it makes you feel the intensity after ingestion. This may be negated by diet and intake of beta-alanine.
Beta-alanine requires regular intake to be effective, akin to creatine. Daily beta-alanine supplementation is recommended to become effective, with a three to five-week loading period. Three to four grams is the recommended daily dosage for beta-alanine, putting face/off in the standard clinical dose range. When you consume beta-alanine, it combines with another amino acid called histidine to form carnosine.
Carnosine is found in high muscle concentrations and is a buffer against lactic acid buildup during intense exercise. This buffering effect can delay the onset of muscle fatigue and improve exercise capacity. By increasing carnosine levels in muscles, beta-alanine helps reduce the accumulation of hydrogen ions, contributing to muscle acidity and fatigue. This allows athletes to perform at a high intensity slightly longer before experiencing fatigue.
It is not abundantly found in typical dietary sources, so it’s challenging to obtain the required amounts solely through diet. However, it is naturally present in small quantities of animal products like meat and fish.
Choline Bitartrate – 1 g
Choline is a focus ingredient and chlorogenic source. Compared with alpha gpc, choline bitartrate may be less effective as a nootropic.
Dosages usually range between 500 mg and 2,000 mg, so a 1,000 mg dosage is a high market standard and will be enough to experience the benefits of choline. However, since the bioavailability is less than that of alpha GPC or CDP, it may be less potent.
L-Tyrosine – 1 g
L-tyrosine boosts cognitive performance in stressful environments. Pre-workouts include it as a focus ingredient and help achieve anti-stress effects. The typical dosage range is 500 mg to 2,000 mg for exercise, where the one gram we have here is a good, efficient dose.
L-tyrosine is a naturally occurring amino acid and a precursor to several important neurotransmitters and hormones in the body. It plays a significant role in producing dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, which regulate mood, stress response, physical performance, and cognitive function.
Caffeine Anhydrous – 350 mg
Caffeine anhydrous is the standard form of caffeine, known for increasing energy, alertness, motivation, and mood. The caffeine content varies for each product. The 350-450 range is the typical dosage for sports supplements, and some products may contain other forms or stimulants, such as below.
Less is more, as your dependency will lead to diminishing returns as you increase your intake. The overall combination of many factors, such as sleep, when you take caffeine, diet, and nutrition, affect how much you will need.
2-Aminoisoheptane – 200 mg
This is DMHA, a stimulant similar to DMAA, which boosts energy, focus, and mood. DMHA shares similar effects as DMAA but requires a larger dosage. This made it a popular pre-workout ingredient for replacing DMAA in DMHA pre-workout supplements.
It comes in many different forms: juglans regia extract, English walnut extract, 2-aminoisoheptane, kigelia africana, octodrine, 2-amino-5-methylhexane, 2-amino-6-methylheptane, 6-amino-2-methylheptane, 2-isooctyl amine, 2-heptylamine, 6-methyl-, 2-metil-6-amino-eptano, amidrine, vaporpac, 1,5-DMHA, and 1,5-dimethylhexylamine. Read about the comparison of DMAA vs. DMHA here.
The industry standard is around 150-250 mg. However, just because it says something on the label doesn’t necessarily mean you will always “feel” it due to different sourcing purities or counteracting ingredients. This is a potent source, so tread lightly if you are not used to hardcore supplements like this.
N-Phenethyl Dimethylaminecitrate – 200 mg
Eria Jarensis is a stimulant frequently seen alongside DMHA in high-stim pre-workouts.
200 mg is a strong dosage for this ingredient; being an exotic stimulant, it isn’t clinically studied and isn’t currently the highest on the market. The most eria jarensis I’ve ever seen in a pre-workout is 500 mg with Flame Pre-Workout (which is fantastic).
Theobromine HCl – 100 mg
Theobromine is a “caffeine light” stimulant ingredient found in chocolate, some tea plants, and the kola nut. Its name means “Food of the Gods.” Greek “theo” means gods, and “broma” means food.
Some anecdotal evidence suggests that theobromine can affect mood elevation, focus, and stimulation. Most doses range from 100 to 400 mg, leaving this on the lower end. It is a bitter alkaloid compound naturally found in various plants, most notably in cocoa beans used to make chocolate products. It is a chemical relative of caffeine and is classified as a xanthine alkaloid.
It is known for its stimulant effects, although its impact is generally milder than caffeine. It stimulates the central nervous system and has diuretic effects, which means it can increase urine production. It also relaxes smooth muscles, which can lead to bronchodilation and relaxation of blood vessels.
Theobromine has been studied for its potential health benefits. Some research suggests that it positively affects cardiovascular health by improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure. It has also been explored for its potential role in cognitive function and mood enhancement.
Alpha Yohimbine – 1.5 mg
Based on effects and intensity, this is Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract. “Alpha yo” is a love-it-or-hate it stimulant. Some individuals are susceptible to alpha yohimbine and avoid any pre-workout with it outright. Common adverse side effects include anxiety, headaches, sweating, frequent urination, and increased blood pressure.
If you are sensitive to the effects of alpha yo, I’d suggest starting with one capsule to assess if the effects are too strong for you. Dosages can range from 0.5 to 3 mg, with the ladder being very potent.
Get this while you can. Based on history, Phase One will only keep it on the market for a while if the FDA doesn’t ban it before then. DMHA is an ingredient typically banned in most natural competing leagues, so check yours before using. I recommend this for anyone looking for a mid-high stimulant pre-workout that doesn’t rev your heart rate much but delivers with head-high-like intensity.
- Happy vibes
- Thermogenic
- Potent, highly efficient, clinically dosed ingredients
- Head-stimmed focus
- Head high, almost euphoric
- Decent vascularity and pumps
- Intensity, driven by paresthesia tingles
- Good endurance
- Appetite suppression
- Long-lasting buzz and energy
- Great tasting flavor
- Stimulant-affected erectile dysfunction
- Appetite suppression is not desirable for everyone