This is a 20 week powerlifting program with 3 training days per week. It was originally published by Powerlifting Academy, a German coaching group. There is also a 16 week version available.
Table of Contents
Program Overview
The following description is translated from the original German, which appears within the spreadsheet.
Before starting the training plan, a determination of the current performance is necessary.
It is recommended to always have a full 3-day workout before training in a 4-day version.
In order to make the plan clearer, it was decided to omit certain – but nevertheless important – figures (volume, intensity, average weight of the dumbbell etc.).
- Good training planning is just one important aspect of improving performance. Nevertheless, it is not possible to predict the daily form on the individual training days. Always listen to your body and its signals.
- Sometimes it’s better to postpone the workout or reduce the load.
- An exercise bike or a good training partner who corrects you technically is simply irreplaceable. If no trainer / partner is available, it is advisable to record your training sessions with an ordinary digital camera in order to evaluate them on site or later.
- Exercise time should not exceed 90 minutes per training day in these exercise plans. If your training sessions are longer, then you should first delete a few side exercises and probably work on some general physical condition.
- The secondary exercises of these plans are rated exercises in many athletes. Nevertheless, it is recommended to think carefully about whether the exchange of some secondary exercises could be advisable for you. Work on your weaknesses!
- For junior or senior athletes it is recommended to reduce the number of sets (do 1-2 less per main exercise).
The intensities are chosen so that in the squat always bent with valid competition depth, pressed the bench press with filing and the deadlift should be made a stop. The exercises should always be run in accordance with the competition.
Explanations to the exercise variants:
- Pause Squat: This is a normal squat with a break in the squat. There is no box used.
- Deadlift to Knee with Dumbbell: The dumbbell is raised about 8 to 12cm.
- Deficit Deadlift: The athlete is raised about 3 to 6cm (i.e. this is the size of the thing you stand on when performing the lift).
- Bench press wide: Here the competition grip is used, but maximum index finger on the marker.
- Bench press narrow: This should be the little finger on the mark.
- Bench press close grip: They are a little narrower than the narrow press – but the hands are at least one thumb away from the smooth inner area of the dumbbell.
If you speak German and want to help out the Lift Vault community, please see the original German text below and contact me if I made any translation errors. Danke!
3 Day 20 Week Powerlifting Program Spreadsheet
Original German Exercise Explanations
Erklärungen zu den Übungsvarianten:
- Sitzbeuge: hierbei handelt es sich um eine normale Kniebeuge mit einer Pause in der Hocke. Es wird keine Box benutzt.
- Kreuzheben Hantel erhöht: Die Hantel ist etwa 8 bis 12cm erhöht.
- Kreuzheben Athlet erhöht: Der Athlet ist etwa 3 bis 6cm erhöht.
- Bankdrücken weit: Hierbei wird der Wettkampfgriff benutzt, maximal jedoch Zeigefinger auf der Markierung.
- Bankdrücken schmal: Hierbei sollte der kleine Finger auf der Markierung sein.
- Bankdrücken eng: Die sind noch etwas enger als beim schmalen Drücken – die Hände sind aber mindestens noch eine Daumenlänge vom glatten Innenbereich der Hantel entfernt.