Ecdysterone is a natural steroid hormone found in insects and other invertebrates. It is also known as 20-Hydroxyecdysone, or simply 20E. Ecdysterone is secreted by the prothoracic glands of insects.
Ecdysterone supplements have also been shown to have positive effects on human health. Supplementation with ecdysterone has been shown to improve athletic performance, increase lean muscle mass and strength, enhance muscle protein synthesis and reduce body fat.
These effects make ecdysterone a promising supplement for athletes and bodybuilders looking to improve their results. This article is a roundup of other people’s experiences (5 people) with an Ecdysterone supplement.
- Best Ecdysterone Supplements
- Best Turkesterone Supplements
- Best Laxogenin Supplements
- Turkesterone vs Ecdysterone
- Turkesterone vs Laxogenin
Ecdysterone (20-Hydroxyecdysone) is a naturally occurring muscle-building compound found in spinach, mushrooms, and asparagus. It can help support lean muscle mass.
Some research suggests it is even more effective than turkesterone.
Huge Supplements uses high-quality raw ingredient sourcing and complexes their ecdysterone with cyclodextrin to aid absorption.
Discount codes:
LIFTVAULT = 15% off at Nutri Cartel
Ecdysterone Before & After Results
Here are five first-hand accounts of experiences with ecdysterone supplements.
Review Bros Ecdysterone Review #1
- Proven to improve bench press
- Muscle gains (gained 9lbs of not all muscle in a month and in 7/12 weeks gained 21lbs)
- Absorption benefits
- Noticeable changes on the scale daily
Huge Supplements- Ecdysterone, 60 tablets per container.
Two capsules per serving and one container should last you one full month
Overall review:
This is the most noticeable supplement he has ever used. It’s his “favorite supplement of all time.” He had zero side effects. Overall, he went through two bottles in 7 1/2 weeks. He feels like his “joints are healed up,” and he feels really good. He says taking ecdysterone is like taking a pre-workout because you can really feel the difference.
He emphasized the fact that he experienced no negative side effects, as mentioned before. These effects are usually hair loss. He experienced no tiredness and no problems with his sleep. He suggests reading other people’s reviews to get the full picture of what it can do.
He believes this specific brand is a “superior form of ecdysterone” because it’s a hydroxypropyl form of ecdysterone.
David Fredrickson Ecdysterone Stack Review
- Increased endurance
- Increased strength
- Increased recovery
Huge Supplements- Ecdysterone was stacked with Nutrex- Anabol and Redcon1- MOAB.
Two capsules per serving, and each container has 30 servings.
Overall review:
He took it for just under two months. Throughout the first month that he was taking the supplements, nothing got stronger over time. He said it was “just always there.” He said the product is definitely “worth it.” He said that everyone gets different results from taking this supplement because of genetics and the way people train.
You need to incorporate the right amount of sleep for recovery, proper meals and diet, and the amount of training to see results. He also says that your diet and training need to be in check “at least 80% of the time.”
Team Solution Ecdysterone Review
- Lean muscle mass growth
- Maintains blood glucose levels
- More tone came in with stacking (stacking means taking it with other supplements)
- Rock solid muscularity
Huge Supplements – Ecdysterone and Huge Supplements – Sapogenix
Two capsules per day.
Overall review:
You can’t just eat twice a day when taking this supplement. You have to go to the gym more than two times a week while taking this supplement in order to see results.
This product is only going to enhance your results, so you need to put in the work. This product is a “fast-track” for results. Ecdysterone does not replace hard work. He took two cycles of the Ecdysterone supplement. At the same time, he was on a very clean diet. His sole focus was to lean out his body when he was taking these supplements.
He did not measure his weight when taking these supplements as he prefers to use the mirror. He likes the visual progress of this supplement. Check out his video to see his results as he shows his progress before, during, and after.
Review Bros supplement review #2
- Doesn’t mess with your hormones
- Increased endurance
- It helps regardless of the end results you want (cutting or bulking)
German Pharma – Beta Ecdysterone
The recommended dosage is 1-2 capsules per day at the same time of day each day.
Overall review:
He says that it is a “natural muscle builder.” He says that it is not a steroid, and it isn’t going to shut you down. This supplement isn’t going to negatively impact your system in any way. He used this supplement for 60 days. When he started, he weighed 81 kgs, and after 60 days, he weighed 83 kgs.
Kaison Granger Ecdysterone & Epicatechin Review
- Incline went up by 30 pounds
- Increased muscle strength
- Big increase in strength for the incline bench press exercise
Overall Review:
He said his results were “unheard of” and “pretty insane.” He also stated that his overall strength had been going up smoothly. He gave a good example of this increase when he shared that his incline bench press went up from 6 reps of 155 to 5 reps of 185 within 4-5 weeks. Check out his video to see his results.
Overview of Ecdysterone Supplements
Benefits Of Ecdysterone
- It may promote lean muscle growth (build muscle).
- It may increase muscle protein synthesis.
- Ecdysterone is not an anabolic-androgenic steroid, so it doesn’t have the negative side effects that come along with anabolic-androgenic steroids, like liver toxicity.
- It’s a great choice for a natural compound. Natural is better for the body. It’s safer than synthetic steroids.
- Supports cardiac function.
- Improves athletic performance.
- You don’t need post-cycle therapy afterward.
- It’s involved in the regulation of skeletal muscle growth.
- It might support immune function. It can help the body deal with stress as well as pathogens which is an added bonus. It also can improve thermal-related stress tolerance as well as increase red blood cell count.
- It can improve the quality of your sleep, which is a part of improved immune function.
- Plasma insulin levels were lowered in a group study in which they were given ecdysterone.
- It might improve insulin sensitivity. Research suggests that ecdysterone can improve insulin sensitivity in OHFFD rats which is also possible in humans.
Some of these benefits are backed by science, but more human research is needed to build confidence in the results.
Muscle Protein Synthesis
Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies, and protein synthesis is the process by which our cells create proteins. Proteins are made up of amino acids, and the order in which these amino acids are arranged determines the protein’s function.
During this process, the cell’s DNA serves as a template for assembling amino acids into proteins. This process begins with the activation of certain genes, which leads to the production of RNA molecules.
These RNA molecules then travel to the ribosomes, where they serve as templates for assembling amino acids into proteins. It’s a complex process that involves many different steps.
However, understanding this process is important for understanding how our cells create proteins and how we can manipulate this process to produce specific proteins for various purposes. Ecdysterone binds with the estrogen receptor beta (Erβ) protein-coding genes.
Ecdysterone Research Review
The most notable published study for ecdysterone came out in 2019 from Archives of Toxicology, “Ecdysteroids as non-conventional anabolic agent: performance enhancement by ecdysterone supplementation in humans”
It describes a small (n=46) 10-week trial on the effects of ecdysterone supplementation on muscle mass and one rep max strength in the bench press.
Check out more research on this topic here. You may also want to compare the research of ecdysterone vs turkesterone.
What Can You Expect From Ecdysterone?
People respond differently to compounds, including ecdysteroids like ecdysterone. The most likely outcome to expect from ecdysterone supplementation is nothing at all.
With that said, slightly improved recovery from training and slightly improved strength output are the most likely benefits that could be noticed from ecdysterone supplementation. Only people who are doing everything else correctly should consider taking ecdysterone.
“Everything else correctly” means:
- Getting 8 hours of quality sleep each night
- Adhering to a regular training program that regularly increases volume or training load to stimulate the growth of muscles and strength improvement
- Tracking their macros, getting at least 0.7 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.
- Supplementing with creatine
The Side Effects Of Ecdysterone
The side effects of ecdysterone are typically mild and may include upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness. Some people may also experience joint pain, skin rash, or hair loss.
While most side effects are temporary and will go away on their own, some may last longer or become more severe. If you experience any serious side effects, stop taking ecdysterone and seek medical attention immediately. If you are really interested in the ecdysterone supplement and want to know more, start by looking at the chemical structure of it.
Ecdysterone is a natural steroid hormone found in insects, plants, and marine animals. It is structurally similar to the human hormone testosterone and has been shown to have similar effects on the growth of muscles and fat loss. Ecdysterone has been shown to increase muscle size and strength in both animal and human studies.
Maybe, but it needs more human research. If it worked reliably, obviously, companies would be tripping over themselves to share this incredible news, yet we only have one published human study.
No negative side effects related to liver or kidney toxicity from ecdysterone were observed in the 2019 human trial. “No increase in biomarkers for liver or kidney toxicity was noticed,” reported the scientists.
Ecdysterone can help with muscle building/muscle mass and body weight within 2-3 months. Some people have said that they have noticed an improvement in their strength within 2-3 weeks.
It has been shown to increase protein synthesis in the skeletal muscle. It has natural anabolic effects and is great for muscle building. Ecdysterone is not the same as synthetic anabolic steroids.
It has been shown to increase protein synthesis and muscle growth in animals, but its effect on human testosterone levels is unclear. There is no existing evidence that ecdysterone affects testosterone levels.
Ecdysterone (20-Hydroxyecdysone) is a naturally occurring muscle-building compound found in spinach, mushrooms, and asparagus. It can help support lean muscle mass.
Some research suggests it is even more effective than turkesterone.
Huge Supplements uses high-quality raw ingredient sourcing and complexes their ecdysterone with cyclodextrin to aid absorption.
Discount codes:
LIFTVAULT = 15% off at Nutri Cartel