Hot on the heels of the immensely popular Kizen 6 Week Bench Peaking Program spreadsheet, Silent Mikke, Bart Kwan, and Omar Isuf have teamed up yet again to release the first 4 weeks of their 16 week Powerbuilding Program for free, including a PDF that explains the theory behind the program!
As suggested by the name, this program simultaneously builds hypertrophy through higher volume accessory movements, but also helps the athlete continually add weight on the bar. And remember: all else held equal, a larger muscle is a stronger one.
The Kizen powerbuilding program includes:
- 6x per week training sessions,
- big three lifts (squat, bench, and deadlifts)
- near big three variations (not unlike GZCL programming)
- 3 separates days of accessories and super sets
While the lack of specificity may not make this a good program for meet prep, it’s a good choice for lifters looking to build out their work capacity while still training the major lifts.
"Our program is designed to maximize strength AND hypertrophy. All of us share the exact same goal of not only lifting heavy shit but also looking badass while doing it."
Program Detail PDF from Kizen
Again, if you want to read more about this 4 week sample, see the accompanying PDF published by Kizen.
This is the original 4 week program preview offered for free by Kizen, along with two Lift Vault spreadsheet modifications:
- Added 1RM input for auto calculations
- Added a link to RPE reference information
If you like this program and want more, check out Kizen! They have customized programs for women and men trying to get stronger, work on their bench, or just lose a few extra pounds.
Spreadsheet: 4 Week Powerbuilding Routine Preview