Alpha Phlyte Nutrition’s Project Catalyst is a pre-workout supplement from Alpha Phlyte Nutrition. It has returned, but the DMAA has been replaced by 350 mg Eria Jarensis. Unfortunately, it’s not as good as its predecessor in mood elevation and energy.
Let’s start with how things have stayed the same as the previous version. Both versions have 5 g L-Citrulline Malate, 3.5 g Beta-Alanine, 350 mg Caffeine Anhydrous along with 500 mg Vitamin C and 50 mcg Vitamin B12 (for some anti-oxidants).
Now with the changes, the old version had 1 g Schisandra Chinesis, 750 mg Creatine HCL, and the 80 mg as mentioned above of DMAA, being replaced with 2.5 g Betaine Anhydrous, 350 mg Eria Jarensis, 50 mg ProGBB (™), 40 mg Isopropylsynephrine, and 400 mcg Huperzine.
Project Catalyst may have changed, but it still hits wonderfully.
I recommend this for stim-junkies or those who’ve taken Eria Jarensis products and want to take the next step into DMHA without taking DMHA just yet, as Project Catalyst would be a good stepping stone.
Read on for additional details of my experience, the best prices for the Project Catalyst pre-workout, and a breakdown of its ingredient label.
Thank you to Supp Kingz for sending this product over for our review!
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Project Catalyst Pre-Workout delivers long-lasting focus with nice thermogenic effects.
Table of Contents
Where to Buy Project Catalyst
You can buy Project Catalyst from the following retailers:
- Supp Kingz
- LIFTVAULT15 = 15% off
- Muscle Players
- LIFTVAULT15 = 15% off
My Experience
I took Project Catalyst just once, and I expected it to honestly suck, as most reformulations do, as anyone versed in pre-workouts can tell you. But Project Catalyst surprised me; it didn’t hit me as hard in terms of euphoria and energy as the previous version, but the focus and the sweat were on point.
Within 5 minutes, the Beta-Alanine tingles began but only lasted 10-15 minutes, with a peak intensity of 7.5 out of 10.
Within 15 minutes, the energy started and got me moving. Even when I knew I needed to rest in between sets, Project Catalyst kept me going to the point where I was walking around, dancing to my music, and shadow boxing at times in between leg day sets.
The focus throughout the workout was dialed-in and robust.
The pumps were decent enough, nothing to write home about, though.
Within a few minutes of working out, the thermogenic effects appeared and got stronger and stronger as the workout lasted.
No adverse side effects were noted; no crash or uncomfortable feeling.
The flavor I tried for this review was “Lemon Madness”; it happened to be sweet with a mild sour taste. Almost as sweet as Lemon Heads candy would be if they’d been melted down. Very enjoyable, especially if you enjoy lemon, 8.5 out of 10.
Only one other flavor is available, that being “Crazy Candy.”
Scoop Size
A whole serving is 14.9-grams, which comes out to be a slightly rounded scoop. A flat scoop for context is almost exactly 14-grams.
Here’s what a full scoop of Project Catalyst looks like:
Below you’ll find the ingredient label for Project Catalyst Pre-Workout along with a breakdown of each ingredient.
Citrulline Malate 2:1 – 5,000 mg
L-Citrulline Malate is one of the most common pre-workout ingredients. It has extensive evidence supporting its effects on increasing nitric oxide production, power output, pumps, blood flow, and endurance.
Usually, with L-Citrulline Malate, it has a 2:1 Ratio of Citrulline and Malic Acid (hence the Malate). With Project Catalyst, you are getting roughly 3.33 g of pure L-Citrulline, which is about 19% less than the effective dose of 4 g.
Beta Alanine – 3,500 mg
Beta-alanine has been shown to support muscular endurance and can act as a lactic acid buffer.
However, beta-alanine requires regular intake to be effective, akin to creatine. Daily supplementation of beta-alanine is recommended, with a loading period of three to five weeks needed to be effective.
3 to 4 grams is the recommended daily dosage for beta-alanine. Project Catalyst gives you slightly more than the usual dose you’d see with 3.5 grams.
Betaine Anyhdrous – 2,500 mg per serving
Betaine is included to help increase your power output. However, research is pretty inconsistent around this claim. Since the typical range for Betaine is between 1.5 g and upwards of 5 g, the 2.5-gram dose is a perfect amount.
Caffeine Anhydrous – 350 mg
Caffeine needs no introduction, but it’s one of the most researched sports supplements. Most pre-workouts will range between 175 mg and 600 mg (as with the great M2) and 600 mg (as with the smoothest Hooligan). But, typically, pre-workouts range from 250 to 450 mg, with 350 being in the middle.
N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine Citrate – 350 mg
N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine Citrate, aka Eria Jarensis. Eria Jarensis is a stimulant commonly seen alongside DMHA in high stim pre-workouts.
350 mg is in the upper range for the dose of this ingredient. Usual amounts range from 150 mg to 500 mg, as found in Flame Pre Workout (which is terrific).
ProGBB – 50 mg
ProGBB is the trademark version of Gamma-Butyrobetaine Ethyl Ester Chloride (GBB), which is a molecule that is converted to carnitine in the body. This process can support fat loss and increase body temperature.
In other words: you’re going to sweat.
50 mg is within the recommended range for GBB.
Isopropylnorshynephrine – 40 mg
Isopropylnorsynephrine is a lipolytic agent, meaning it helps break down fat into glycerol (energy). It is a “fat burner.” It may also possess energizing effects and is considered stronger than synephrine (bitter orange extract).
There is not a lot of research around dosage, but 40 mg should be enough to get you going.
Synephrine is a well-researched ingredient that has been shown to aid in weight loss.
“In general, bitter orange extract alone (p-synephrine) or in combination with other herbal ingredients did not produce significant adverse events as an increase in heart rate or blood pressure or alter electrocardiographic data, serum chemistry, blood cell counts, or urinalysis. p-Synephrine alone and in combination products were shown to increase resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure, and modest increases in weight loss were observed with bitter orange extract/p-synephrine-containing products when given for six to 12 weeks.”
Synephrine Meta-Analysis
Huperzia Serrata (std. Min 1% Huperzine A) – 400 mcg.
Huperzine A is cholinergic and acts as a cognitive enhancer. The occasional dose in other pre-workouts tends to be 50 mcg to 200 mcg. As an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, It helps lengthen the half-life of cholinergic sources (such as Alpha GPC, Citicoline, CDP Choline) (Examine) and keep your focus longer.
At 400 mcg, that is a very high dose that you don’t see very often and is twice the highest dose you typically see.
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Project Catalyst Pre-Workout delivers long-lasting focus with nice thermogenic effects.
Project Catalyst Pre-Workout Review (Alpha Phlyte)
Although it’s been reformulated, Project Catalyst still delivers immensely in energy, focus, and thermogenic effects. No more is DMAA, but added is a whopping 350 mg Eria Jarensis and 50 mg ProGBB (™), and 40 mg Isopropylsynephrine for thermogenic effects.
I could recommend this for those who have taken Eria Jarensis pre-workouts before but want to dip their toes into DMHA-style pre-workouts.
It only took points off due to a lack of ingredients for pumps and being not as good as its predecessor.
- 30 full servings
- Open-label
- Intense, long-lasted energy (4+ hours)
- Dialed-in focus
- Strong thermogenic effects (You’ll sweat on this one)
- No harmful or adverse effects.
- Reformulated a favorite
- Needs more ingredients for pumps
- Could use a digestive aid (5-10 mg Black Pepper)