Weightrainer.net published these two peaking programs: one designed especially for the bench press (#1) and another program (#2) for squat, bench, or deadlift.
The two programs are pretty similar, but here are some key differences:
- #1 was designed specifically for the bench
- It is not clear if #2 was designed for any particular lift
- #1 utilizes 2-3 sets per session, while #2 only uses 2 sets per session
- #1 is 12 weeks long, while #2 is 11 weeks long
- #1 pushes the final lift to 108.7% of 1RM, while #2 aims for 107.5%
Like I said, these are small differences, but they’re worth noting.
Weightrainer Bench Press Peaking Program #1
Weightrainer Peaking Program #2