While men and women’s bodies respond in very similar ways to weight training (provided in the spreadsheet), the New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schuler, Cassandra Forsythe, and Alwyn Cosgrove also provides nutrition advice and descriptions of the exercises, which may be useful for novice lifters or those looking to refamiliarize themselves with the movements.
3 Day Workout Schedule
You will workout 3 days per week on this program. An “A workout” and a “B workout” will alternate.
- Monday: Workout A
- Tuesday: Rest
- Wednesday: Workout B
- Thursday: Rest
- Friday: Workout A
- Saturday: Rest
- Sunday: Rest
The next Monday would be Workout B, and so on.
These workout routines are organized in the spreadsheet below. If the movements are new to you, you’d like ideas for nutrition, or you’d like to know the science behind the program, then I recommend checking out the New Rules of Lifting for Women book.
New Rules of Lifting for Women Workout Program Spreadsheet