It’s a pull up program by Omar Isuf. Check out Omar’s video below if you have any questions about the program.
From Omar’s video description:
- Figure out your 1RM (not true 1RM but comfortable, clean 1RM)
- You will need three days for this program. Ideally something like Monday-Thursday-Saturday. Or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.
- We’ll be using RIR (reps in reserve). This means how many good clean reps you have in you left in the set. So if you can do 10 reps bodyweight, a set at RIR means you would stop the set when you can only do 2 more clean reps aka 8 reps. We use RIR so this program scales with your skill vs strict rep amounts.
Related: Pull Up Muscles Worked
Omar Isuf Pull Up Program Spreadsheet
Video Overview: Omar Isuf Pull Up Program
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