This program, billed “the best fucking 12 weeks of powerlifting you’ll have all year” is a powerlifting peaking program best suited for meet preparation. This is not designed for running back to back, as it accumulates a significant amount of fatigue throughout the duration of the program.
Table of Contents
Cast Iron Strength – 12 Week Peaking Program Summary
- 12 weeks in length
- Based on percentages of 1RM
- Trains squat, bench press, and deadlift
- Deload is planned for week 6 or 7 depending on the lift
- Squat runs through preparation and accumulation phases before peaking
- Bench press and deadlift alternates between volume and intensity weeks
- The program ends with a double @ 105% of 1RM
All credit goes to Cast Iron Strength where you can also find a full summary and explanation of the program.
Spreadsheet Download
Weekly Progression – Squat
Weekly Progression – Bench Press
Weekly Progression – Deadlift
Weekly Progression – Accessories