David Woolson, strong and smart dude over at Brazos Valley Strength, has boldly declared that he intends to release free powerlifting programming over the next year.
Something similar has been done before by Your Strongest Year, who released nine 4 week training blocks for 36+ weeks of training.
Nevertheless, I’m excited to see what David shares here. As of now, March 2022, only one block of programming has been released so far. This page will stay updated as David continues to share new training blocks, which he shares via Google Drive.
Of course, you can stay fully updated by following along with David at Brazos Valley Strength via the links below.
Table of Contents
Training Blocks
Below you’ll find links to the training blocks as they’re released, along with any other additional information.
Training Block #1
The first training block runs for 6 weeks (only 46 weeks to go!).
- 6 weeks long
- 5 training days per week
- Squat 2x weekly
- Bench Press 3x weekly
- Deadlift 2x weekly
- Mix of RPE and 1RM % programming
- Accessories are included, 1-3 movements per session, depending on how much work is done with the primary movement for that workout.
Here is a video on how to use the spreadsheet. I highly recommend you watch this video.
Training Block #2