Omnidroid is a 5 day strength program Reddit user /u/benchpauper that runs for 12 weeks. It is structured a bit different than other programs and is definitely worth checking out if you’re a strength training enthusiast. It has a fair amount of heavy singles followed by back off volume and accessories. It looks like a lot of fun to run.
There is a lot of flexibility in this program, which makes it better suited for intermediate and advanced lifters that feel comfortable regulating their own training intensities a bit.
Table of Contents
Shoutout to /u/benchpauper for the program and spreadsheet! The spreadsheet works with lb and kg units.
Program Overview
This is a quick breakdown of the program using week 1 as an example. All percentages are using a training max. This can be any percentage of your “true” 1RM. 90% is a fairly common percentage to use on programs like 5/3/1 or Tactical Barbell. If you’re unsure, ask /u/benchpauper on Reddit.
Monday: Bench Press, Squat
Monday programs a heavy bench press AMRAP (85% to 90% of TM) before 4 or 5 back off sets in the 60% to 70% range.
Squats are higher volume at sets of 8 to 12 reps at 60% to 70% of TM. RPE should be kept at 7 or 8 here.
Tuesday: Block Pulls, Deadlifts, Rows
Block pulls call for a heavy single at RPE 9-9.5.
Week 1 deadlifts are pretty high volume, with 4 to 5 working sets of 5 to 8 reps each at 70% to 80% intensity. These are to be supersetted with dips.
Finish with 3 to 5 sets of 5 to 8 reps of barbell rows. Superset with a tricep accessory.
Tuesdays alternate between heavy days and lighter recovery training sessions. This lets you dial up the intensity a bit more when it comes time for RPE 9/9.5 lifts.
Wednesday: FREE DAY (Not Rest Day)
Wednesday is a free day, which means it is up to you which exercises to perform. /u/BenchPauper provides some recommendations:
- “Solid” conditioning work
- Lots of core work
- Lots of shoulders, back, and/or biceps
- Try to keep the above consistent for around 6 weeks. See if progress is being made by that time.
- Progress might be being able to add weight to your movements, add volume (sets and/or reps), or being able to do the same amount of work in less time (i.e. increasing training density). There are many ways to measure progress on accessories outside of straight weight, which is difficult to increase consistently on accessory movements.
- Don’t work your chest or triceps too much.
Thursday: Reverse Band Bench Press, Earthquake Holds, Dips
Aim for a few heavy sets of 2 to 4 reps on the reverse band bench press. Your goal in the coming weeks will be to add reps to this weight.
If you don’t have access to a reverse band, then another overload bench press variation, such as slingshot bench press, pin press, or board press can be used. If none of these are available either then normal bench pressing will suffice. The rep scheme remains the same regardless of variation – the goal is to go heavy.
If you don’t have the equipment necessary for earthquake holds then you can just skip it. Here’s a demonstration of using a Rogue Earthquake Bar:
Friday: Squats, Leg Press
Friday calls for more heavy singles! 5 heavy singles between 87% and 90% of TM are performed for squat. Alternatively, 5+ total reps can be performed across fewer sets if you don’t want to perform singles (e.g. a double and a triple would accomplish this in two sets).
The leg press calls for 5 sets of 10, but is performed a particular way as outlined in this EliteFTS article. Essentially you will want to start with something moderately heavy for 10 reps, add weight for the second and third sets, then remove some weight for the fourth and fifth sets. It’s a sort of pyramid weight scheme with the 3rd being the heaviest and most difficult. All sets are performed for 10 reps.
Leg press work can be supersetted with tricep and chest isolation work.