To best understand Sheiko’s training methodology, Lift Vault highly recommends you read or listen to his interview with Omar Isuf.
Sheiko programs are powerlifting programs attributed to Boris Sheiko, renowned Russian powerlifting coach. His programs are known for their high volume and great results for those who can complete them.
More of a loose working template than a strict program, many different variations of Sheiko powerlifting programs have been circulating Internet forums for years.
Here is an attempt at gathering all of the most useful Sheiko spreadsheets in one place – all on Google spreadsheets (better than PDF). Whether you’re a novice, intermediate, or advanced lifter, there is a Sheiko program to help build strength for you.
Check out Boris Sheiko’s newly released book via Renaissance Periodization: Powerlifting Foundations and Methods.
Table of Contents
- 1 Official Sheiko Programming
- 2 Sheiko Gold App
- 3 Sheiko Lifter Classification
- 4 Questions about Sheiko Programs?
- 5 Sheiko Program Reviews
- 6 Sheiko Spreadsheet Notes
- 7 Sheiko Program FAQs
- 7.1 Should I run beginner, intermediate, or advanced Sheiko programs?
- 7.2 Should I run a small, medium, or large load Sheiko program?
- 7.3 What are the Sheiko #29, #30, etc. programs?
- 7.4 Can beginner lifters run Sheiko programs?
- 7.5 Is there a version of Sheiko with a greater focus on hypertrophy?
- 7.6 Where can I learn more about Boris Sheiko’s training methods?
- 8 Sheiko Program Spreadsheets
- 8.1 Sheiko Beginner Program
- 8.2 Sheiko Intermediate Small Load Program
- 8.3 Sheiko Intermediate Medium Load Program
- 8.4 Sheiko Intermediate Large Load Program
- 8.5 Sheiko Bench Only Program
- 8.6 Sheiko Advanced Small Load Program
- 8.7 Sheiko Advanced Medium Load Program (AML)
- 8.8 Sheiko Advanced Large Load Program
- 8.9 Sheiko Modified Hypertrophy Program
- 8.10 Sheiko Training Collection
- 8.11 Sheiko 3 Day Under 80kg Program
- 8.12 Sheiko 3 Day Over 80 kg Program
Official Sheiko Programming
If you’d like to get Sheiko programs straight from Boris Sheiko, then you’re in luck. He partnered with Kizen Training to offer two new programs: a 26 week peaking program and a 30 week off-season powerlifting program.
This is an exclusive collaboration between Boris Sheiko and Kizen Training.
It's a 26 week powerlifting peaking program designed to help you crush PRs at your next meet.
Take the guess work out of deciphering Sheiko spreadsheets and go straight to the source.
The off season program is a great match for those that have a job/school/outside commitments that might make applying yourself 100% to the gym hard.
It is a little easier, a little less intense and has been adjusted to take outside stress into consideration compared to the Sheiko peaking program.
Sheiko Gold App
Released in 2019, Sheiko Gold is the new official powerlifting programming app from Boris Sheiko. It uses a 30 day observation period to understand how you respond to different loads in various rep ranges for whatever exercises you’re already performing. At the end of 30 days, it has enough observational data to begin building programs for you.
To learn more, see Boris Sheiko’s announcement on Instagram, which has FAQs, or check it out in the iOS App Store. There is no Android version yet, but supposedly that is in development.
There is also a dedicated Facebook group for Sheiko Gold.
Sheiko Lifter Classification
Determining which set of Sheiko programs to utilize relies upon the current skill level of the athlete.
To check your lifter classification, use this Ukranian IPF chart for raw men and women lifters (in kg):

For equipped lifters, a Russian powerlifting lifter classification chart can also be referenced:

The Ukranian and Russian classification charts are from the Sheiko forums.
Questions about Sheiko Programs?
Discuss Sheiko programs with other lifters on the Lift Vault Forum.
Sheiko Program Reviews
Review of Sheiko Programs #29, #30, #31, #32:
“Sheiko is one of the best cookie cutter programs that a powerlifter can run. Of all the copy/paste programs we’ve looked at thus far, Sheiko is easily the best… but it is still sub-optimal. Cookie cutter programs can never produce top results. They can produce excellent results, but there will always be room for improvement through individualization and autoregulation.
If you’re a late stage intermediate trainee, or an advanced trainee, Sheiko is not a bad way to go at all. The programs have proven incredibly successful for a variety of top raw powerlifters across the globe. You can always move on to the MSIC programs or contact Sheiko for personal coaching when the numbered routines stop working.”
Lift Vault note: Sheiko never intended for these programs to be used widely on the Internet. They were written for individuals, not a general audience.
Sheiko Program #31, #32, #37 Review:
“I think Sheiko has provided a series of great templates. They do need to be modified to meet individual needs, and I don’t think they are appropriate year round, but they certainly have a place. I am personally fond of Sheiko, as it was doing Sheiko #32 I first squatted double my body weight. I wouldn’t be surprised if 5 by 3 at 80% was my go-to rep scheme for the rest of my lifting career.
My TLDR of Sheiko’s templates – they have a time and a place, and in that time and place I love them. Sheiko will grind you down over the course of weeks and rebuild you as a (probably very tired and annoyed) better powerlifter.”
Sheiko Spreadsheet Notes
Most of the below programs are broken down into separate cycles on each tab. These tabs can be run individually or back to back, so the program lengths can range from 4 weeks all the way to 20 weeks, depending upon how many consecutive cycles are run together and the strength level of the athlete.
Sheiko Program FAQs
Should I run beginner, intermediate, or advanced Sheiko programs?
Sheiko programs have beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. To understand your experience level, please see the charts provided. Below Class III should probably start with a beginner program, while Class II and Class I lifters can start with intermediate, and CMS and above can start with advanced. These are rough guidelines. Listen to your body, see what you can recover from.
Should I run a small, medium, or large load Sheiko program?
Load classification describes the lifter’s bodyweight. A rough rule of thumb is that men and women below 80kg (176lbs) should use a large load, over 80kg (176lbs) should use a medium load, and over 110kg (242lb) should use a small load. The relationship between load and bodyweight is inverted because lighter lifters tend to need more volume.
What are the Sheiko #29, #30, etc. programs?
The numbered Sheiko programs are each specific training blocks that can be combined to achieve different training effects. According to PowerliftingToWin, #29 is a preparatory block, #30 is an accumulation block, #31 is a transmutation block, and #32 is a realization/peaking block. You can see these training blocks referenced in the 3 Day under 80kg and 3 day over 80kg programs on Lift Vault.
Can beginner lifters run Sheiko programs?
Yes, there are Sheiko beginner powerlifting programs available on Lift Vault.
Is there a version of Sheiko with a greater focus on hypertrophy?
Yes, Robert Frederick shared a variation of Sheiko that emphasizes hypertrophy. That program’s spreadsheet is available here.
Where can I learn more about Boris Sheiko’s training methods?
Check out Boris Sheiko’s interview with Omar Isuf. It’s extraordinarily comprehensive.

Many of the most popular programs on Lift Vault are now available on a free app!
Boostcamp lets you track progress, calculate weight/sets/reps, and discover new programs - all for free!
Sheiko Program Spreadsheets
Sheiko Beginner Program
Sheiko Intermediate Small Load Program
Sheiko Intermediate Medium Load Program
Sheiko Intermediate Large Load Program
Sheiko Bench Only Program
3 times weekly bench press program. Includes squats too.
Sources: /u/tobspr, (Russian)
Sheiko Advanced Small Load Program
Sheiko Advanced Medium Load Program (AML)
See also: Robert Frederick 4 Day Hypertrophy Modified Version of Sheiko Advanced Medium Load Program
Sheiko Advanced Large Load Program
Sheiko Modified Hypertrophy Program
“Essentially sheiko AML but with fives instead of doubles at 80%. Best thing I’ve ever done for my bench, but tends to be too much for my squat.”
Sheiko Training Collection
This spreadsheet collects 14 different training “collections” all in one place. While not strictly programs, lifters can still benefit from following the training laid out in the spreadsheets. And while 99% of you WILL NOT need MSIC programming, it’s still interesting to consider how Sheiko would train these athletes.
Included are the popular #29, #30, #31, #32, #37, #39, and #40 templates, all generated automatically based on 1 Rep Max (1RM) inputs.
Sheiko 3 Day Under 80kg Program
As the name suggests, this is a 3x lifting program designed for lifters under 80 kg (175 lbs). For significant discussion on this spreadsheet, I recommend reading this thread on Sheiko’s forum.
Lifter over 80kg are encouraged to try the spreadsheet below.
Sheiko 3 Day Over 80 kg Program
Similar as above, except for lifters over 80 kg / 175 lbs.