This is a 13 week program created by Barbell Medicine for Alan Thrall of Untamed Strength. Below you will find a video overview of the program, which is very important for understanding how the program works. Please watch it.
Table of Contents
Program Notes
Progression is based on a 6 minute AMRAP, which is how many clean reps a lifter is able to hit in multiple sets within 6 minutes, including rest time between sets.
This program also calls for something called myoreps.
Myoreps are:
- For myo-reps, the first set is called the “activation set.” This set works you up to the prescribed rep range @ RPE 8. The idea is that this set should be taken to near failure. So, if you are completely guessing on the weight and happen to get to 12 or 15 reps and are not near failure (RPE 8) then you should continue the set until reaching that point. In other words, it is okay to do 20, 25, or even 30+ reps for your activation set. The idea is that the intraset fatigue builds up and causes maximal motor unit recruitment, which is then leveraged to produce hypertrophy on the subsequent back off sets that are performed on short rest. The motor unit recruitment is only maximized when using the lighter load in a myorep if the activation set is taken to near failure.
- 10-12 reps is likely 62-68% of 1RM, 12-15 is likely 58-62%, and all bets are off for 14-16 reps (and the exercises are weird).
- After your activation set, rack the bar and take 5 deep breaths. Then do 3-5 reps, aiming for 5 reps. Re-rack the weight and take another 5 breaths, repeat.
- The first time you hit 1 rep less than the first set of 3-5. In other words, if you hit 4 reps the first set and you hit 3 on the 2nd set, you’re done. If you hit 4-4-3, you’re done after the set of 3. If you hit 3-3-3-2, you’re done after the double.
This is from the spreadsheet below.
Check out: Barbell Medicine YouTube, Alan Thrall YouTube