GZCLP is a linear progression strength program for beginners. It is a simpler variation of the GZCL program methodology with more rapid progression. The GZCLP program is available in three day and four day versions. It is highly customizable, allowing the individual to select a variety of lifts to perform over the course of the program.
Table of Contents
GZCLP on Boostcamp App
Prefer an app to a spreadsheet? If so, you're in luck!
Boostcamp has a free app version of GZCLP (3 day and 4 day versions) that you can use directly from your phone.
It tracks your progress and calculates your lifts, just like a spreadsheet.
Works on iOS and Android.
If you prefer to use an app version of GZCLP, Boostcamp is a great option.
It also has other popular programs like nSuns, Reddit PPL, Greg Nuckols Beginner Program, Candito 6-week Strength, and PHUL.
Boostcamp is free on iOS and Android.
GZCLP Spreadsheets
The latest version that is still Google Sheets compatible from /u/blacknoir is below: v4.5b5. This is a beta release that may still have bugs. The latest stable release, v4.1, is a bit further down.
If you’re willing to run the spreadsheet on Excel, you can download the latest version (v5.2 as of March 2023) on Dropbox.
GZCLP v4.5b5
GZCLP 3 Day + 4 Day Spreadsheet v4.1by /u/blacknoir *UPDATED October 2019*
Updated in October 2019 this is the finest GZCLP spreadsheet out there. This adds new features and fixes a few lingering bugs from prior versions. Nice work, /u/blacknoir!
GZCLP v4.1 fixes a bug where the 10×1+ sets were not progressing correctly.
GZCLP for Hypertrophy 4 Day Spreadsheet
Originally published by Say No to Bro Science, it has since been retired. You can still find the program description archived here.
GZCLP 3 Day Spreadsheet
GZCLP 4 Day Spreadsheet
GZCLP “Big on the Basics” Spreadsheet
This is one of the oldest GZCLP spreadsheets floating around. It also includes a spreadsheet for a 3 week GZCL template and a “Big on the Basics” GZCL variation.
Via /u/doesnotevenlift + /u/TheAesir
GZCLP 3 Day Spreadsheet
GZCLP Overview
GZCLP utilizes linear progression, much like popular programs Starting Strength, Strong Lifts, or Greyskull LP.
What separated the program is that it is higher volume than the typical incarnations of these programs through the implementation of AMRAP (as many reps as possible) sets and T2 and T3 lifts.
Here is a description of T1, T2, and T3 lifts.
For a full write up of the methodology of GZCLP, I encourage you read Cody’s blog and scroll down to the “GZCLP” section.
The typical GZCLP workout structure is:
- 3 or 4 workouts per week (depending on which spreadsheet you choose)
- Each workout consists of one T1, T2, and T3 movement
- Weight is added to the T1 movement the next time it is done again
- This generally translates to weekly progression of weights
- T1 movements are usually 3 sets of 5 reps (last set is an AMRAP)
- T2 movements are usually 3 sets of 10 reps (last set is an AMRAP)
- T3 movements are usually 3 sets of 15 reps (last set is an AMRAP)
How to Progress T1, T2, and T3 Lifts on GZCLP
This is explained a bit more thoroughly on Cody’s blog, but you can get a quick summary below.
Before you understand progression, we need to define volume base.
Volume base is the total number of reps for a given lift across all working sets in a session.
If you do 3 sets of 5 reps, that is a volume base of 15 (3×5 = 15). Warm ups don’t count toward volume base.
GZCLP Tier 1 Lift Progression
Add 5 to 10 lbs each workout until base volume drops below the specified amount for the given rep range you’re on in the program.
For example, everyone starts at 5 sets of 3 , with the last set being an AMRAP. Weight is added workout to workout until a base volume of 15 is not achieved. When that happens, you no longer are at the 5 sets of 3 stage and now are at the 6 sets of 2 stage. Your new base volume is 12.
Using the 6 sets of 2 structure (as always, last set is an AMRAP), start with the weight you could not achieve a base volume of 15 with. Continue adding weight workout to workout until a base volume of 12 is not achieved. You are now in the 10 sets of 1 rep stage of progression. Your new base volume is 10.
Start with the weight you could not achieve a base volume of 12 with using the new 10 sets of 1 rep structure. Continue adding weight from workout to workout until a base volume of 10 is not achieved.
When this happens, find your new 5RM and restart the program using that weight and the 5 sets of 3 rep scheme.
GZCLP Tier 2 Lift Progression
We’re dealing with base volume again! Remember, base volume is the number of sets multiplied by the number of reps (3 sets of 10 reps = a base volume of 30).
This is conceptually very similar to T1 progression.
Use a rep scheme of 3 sets of 10 reps and add weight each workout. When a base volume of 30 cannot be achieved, switch to 3 sets of 8 reps (starting at the same weight you failed to achieve a base volume of 30 with) and continue adding weight every workout.
When a base volume of 24 is failed, switch to a rep scheme of 3 sets of 16, continuing to add weight every workout. When a base volume of 18 is failed, restart at 3 sets of 10 with a heavier weight than you originally started with (no more than +20 lbs).
GZCLP Tier 3 Lift Progression
To be added. In the mean time, please read Cody’s thoughts on this (ctrl+f for “GZCLP T3 Progression“ to find it in the blog post).
Recommended GZCLP Accessories (T3 Lifts)
T1 Lift | T3 #1 | T3 #2 | T3 #3 | T3 #4 |
Squat | DB split squats | Leg curls | Leg extensions | |
Overhead Press | DB rows | Lat Pull-downs | DB hammer curls | DB bicep curl |
Bench | DB flys | Cable overhead rope tricep extensions | DB lateral raises | Barbell push press |
Deadlift | Front squats | V grip cable row | Weighted Hyper-extension | Cable Crunches |
Frequently Asked Questions about GZCLP
How does progression work on GZCLP?
Progression for T1 lifts is based on the number of reps achieved on specific AMRAP (as many reps as possible) sets that help gauge progress. Rep goals are based on volume base.
Progression for T2 and T3 lifts is described in more depth here.
What is volume base?
Volume base helps determine progression on GZCLP. It is equal to the number of reps multiplied by the number of sets. So 5×3 has a volume base of 15, 6×2 has a volume base of 12, and so on.
What happens if I miss the number of reps needed to add weight?
The rep scheme (i.e. the number of sets and reps) will change if the minimum number of reps needed to progress are not achieved on your AMRAP set. The GZCLP v4.1 spreadsheet by /u/blacknoir will automatically account for this as long you input the number of reps achieved.
For example, if the necessary reps are not achieved using the 5×3 (5 sets of 3 reps), then you will move to the 6×2 rep scheme at the same weight.
What T3 movements should I do on GZCLP?
A table of recommended T3 movements is available here.
- January 30, 2019
- Added GZCLP v4.5b5
- New start tab that allows greater flexibility with program customization.
- Instructions have been rewritten to be clearer.
- IPF points and Wilks calculators have been added.
- Added GZCLP v4.5b5
- December 20, 2019
- Added better link for T3 accessory progression tips.
- October 24, 2019
- GZCLP v4.1 is now available below.
- August 25, 2019
- Updated GZCLP spreadsheet by /u/blacknoir to v3.86 – lots of new features and bug fixes!
- July 27, 2019
- Fixed permission issues for GZCLP 4 Day Hypertrophy. You should be able to make your own copy now. Apologies for the inconvenience!
- July 14, 2019
- Added the latest GZCLP 3 day and 4 day spreadsheet (v3.0) by /u/blacknoir
- June 14, 2019
- Added brand new new version of the GZCLP 3 day and 4 day spreadsheet by /u/blacknoir!
- Added information on how to progress T1, T2, and T3 lifts while running GZCLP.