Whether it is run for the squat, deadlift, bench, or all three (known as the Extended Russian Power Routine), the Russian Squat Program (aka Russian Squat Routine or RSR) is a brutal peaking program that will help boost maximum strength when prepping for a meet.
Undulating Periodization Powerlifting & Strength Programs
Below you'll find powerlifting and strength training programs that utilize undulating periodization.
If you don't find the undulating periodization program you're looking for, check out the Lift Vault Program Library, which lets you search based on periodization type, training goals, and much more.
Related: powerlifting programs, powerbuilding programs, bodybuilding programs, strength training programs
Mdisbrow Deathbench 10 Week Bench Press Program Spreadsheets (Original + Taper)
Written and popularized by Redditor Matt Disbrow (aka /u/mdisbrow) – the Deathbench program is a disciple of the “if you want a bigger bench press, bench more” church.
Smolov Program and Smolov Jr Bench and Squat Program Spreadsheets
Ah, yes. The infamous Smolov program for squats and Smolov Jr for squat and/or bench press. If you’re willing to build these lifts at any cost (e.g. a record attempt) then this might be the ticket!
[Read more…]Texas Method Program Tips and Spreadsheet Template
Texas Method Routine Overview
The Texas Method is a strength program that focuses on training 3 days a week and hitting a new PR each week, making it ideal for intermediate lifters that can still progress on a weekly basis. Each training week represents one cycle: Monday is volume day, Wednesday is an active recovery day, and Friday is an intensity day where a new PR is set.
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