The Lift Vault Workout Routine Database allows you to search through all free workout plans on Lift Vault using a variety of different filters.
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Example searches:
Here are two example searches to give you an idea of how to use the filters to find the workout plan you’re looking for.
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- Recommended Beginner Programs
- Recommended by Lift Vault = Recommended
- Experience Level = Beginner
- 6 Day Intermediate Programs with 3x Bench Press
- Days per Week = 6
- Experience Level = Intermediate
- Bench Press Frequency = 3
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StrongLifts 5×5 Workout Program Spreadsheet
Strong Lifts is a cornerstone beginner strength 5×5 workout program based upon Bill Starr’s old school 5×5 program. If you’re just starting out, this is a fantastic way to build muscle, lose fat, and get stronger. Using Google Spreadsheets, the program becomes even easier to follow along. LB and KG versions are included below.
(more…)The Bridge by Barbell Medicine Program Spreadsheet
Created by Jordan Feigenbaum and Austin Baraki at Barbell Medicine, the Bridge is a strength program designed for athletes that are finishing a novice program like Starting Strength or Strong Lifts 5×5 and are ready for a “bridge” to intermediate level programming. (more…)
Sheiko Program Spreadsheets & Templates
To best understand Sheiko’s training methodology, Lift Vault highly recommends you read or listen to his interview with Omar Isuf.
Sheiko programs are powerlifting programs attributed to Boris Sheiko, renowned Russian powerlifting coach. His programs are known for their high volume and great results for those who can complete them.
More of a loose working template than a strict program, many different variations of Sheiko powerlifting programs have been circulating Internet forums for years.
(more…)Arnold Schwarzenegger Home Workout Routine Spreadsheet
Arnold Schwarzenegger took to Instagram yesterday to share an old home bodyweight workout of his, which he also shared on Reddit. The workout consists of push ups, sit ups, bent over twists, bent leg raises, squats (aka knee bends), calf raises, and chin ups.
Each bodyweight exercise is performed for a different number of reps depending on the individuals strength level: beginner or advanced.
A full break down of each exercise and its different rep ranges is below, along with highlights from Schwarzenegger’s Reddit post.
(more…)Beginner Bodybuilding Program Spreadsheet by Ripped Body (4 Day)
Designed by the smart folks at Ripped Body, this beginner bodybuilding workout routine is a great introduction to hypertrophy training for novices. The spreadsheet for this bodybuilding program for novices is based on this post shared by Ripped Body.
(more…)Metallicadpa 6 Day PPL v3.04 (Reddit PPL) Program Spreadsheet
Update: A new spreadsheet for this program is now available. It tracks 12 weeks at a time, progresses weight per workout automatically, and is easier to customize. It is linked below.
Push, Pull, Legs (PPL) routines offer a great template for achieving strength and physique goals while remaining flexible enough for the lifter’s preferences.
This flexibility can be a hindrance to less experienced lifters, who like the sound of a templated PPL routine but don’t know how to make one for themselves.
This issue has been resolved. Enter: /u/metallicadpa’s 6 day PPL program aka the Reddit PPL.
(more…)TSA 9 Week Beginner Powerlifting Program
The Strength Athlete (TSA) released their 9 week beginner powerlifting program (aka general beginner approach) as a follow up to their successful 9 week intermediate powerlifting program. Like the intermediate program before it, the beginner program is structured as a 4 day, 9 week program, but also includes a 4 week peak if preparing for a meet.
(more…)GreySkull LP Program Spreadsheet
Created by John Sheaffer (aka Johnny Pain), the GreySkull LP Program (GSLP) is a fantastic 3 day per week full body workout routine for novice lifters. By correcting some of the shortcoming of other popular novice programs (e.g. Starting Strength, Strong Lifts) by incorporating basic linear progression, GreySkull LP is a solid choice for beginner programs.
For more of Johnny’s thoughts on beginner vs. intermediate lifters, see his “Intermediate Syndrome” post.
(more…)Reddit Recommended Bodyweight Routine Spreadsheet
The Reddit Recommended Bodyweight Routine is a product of the /r/bodyweightfitness community. It combines pull ups, push ups, squats, dips, and hinge movements to help provide a full body strength workout with minimal required equipment.
(more…)5/3/1 for Beginners Spreadsheet & Tips
5/3/1 is one of the most popular strength training programs ever, influencing other programs like GZCL and nSuns along the way. Its popularity has stemmed from its simplicity, flexibility, and ability to be run over and over for long periods of time. It favors slow, steady, repeatable progression over the long term instead of programs that pile on the weight for a few weeks or months before progress grinds to a halt.
(more…)Strong Curves Spreadsheets + PDF: Beginner and Advanced Workouts
Written by Bret Contreras, Strong Curves workout is a great program for novice and intermediate lifters looking to get stronger and, yes, have a better butt. The program’s greatest strength lies in its simplicity, making it a simple workout to follow and make progress quickly.
It has quickly become a staple within the strength training community and is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.
(more…)GZCLP Program Spreadsheets, Progression Tips, and Accessories
GZCLP is a linear progression strength program for beginners. It is a simpler variation of the GZCL program methodology with more rapid progression. The GZCLP program is available in three day and four day versions. It is highly customizable, allowing the individual to select a variety of lifts to perform over the course of the program.
(more…)nSuns 5/3/1 Complete Program Collection (4 Day, 5 Day, Cap3, and More)
nSuns 5/3/1 is a linear progression powerlifting program that was inspired by Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 strength program. It progresses on a weekly basis, making it well suited for late stage novice and early intermediate lifters. It is known for its challenging amount of volume. Those who stick with it tend to find great results from the additional work capacity.
Redditor /u/nsuns assembled a 5/3/1/ LP spreadsheet complete with 4, 5, and 6 day variants in addition to deadlift and squat specific workloads to help everyone get stronger.
Use the table of contents to jump to your desired spreadsheet or read on below to learn about which nSuns program you should run.
(more…)Glenn Pendlay Beginner Olympic Weightlifting Program Spreadsheet
This is an Olympic weightlifting program outline for beginners. It was originally published by Glenn Pendlay in 2010 on his blog, which is now defunct. The article and program template have been reproduced here for archival purposes.
I also have created an accompanying spreadsheet that can be used to follow along with the program.
Program Overview
- This program is for beginner Olympic weightlifters only.
- The progression will be too rapid for more developed lifters to continually make progress.
- The program consists of week A and week B training cycles, which can be repeated as long as the lifter is making progress.
- Each training week is comprised of three training sessions.
- These training sessions can be organized however you’d like, as long as recovery is adequate. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday is one logical sequence.
- Other variations would likely work too. The most important question is if you feel recovered heading into each training session and are able to continually add weight on the bar. The answer to both should be “yes.” If not, sleep and nutrition should be assessed. Else, if the athlete has been running the program for several months, they may have exhausted this rapid linear progression and should move to another program with slower progression.
- Each training session consists of a snatching exercise, a clean & jerk exercise, a squatting movement, and at least one “complex.”
- A complex is several exercises performed sequentially, in a circuit, with minimal rest in between exercises.
- Complexes can include plyometric exercises like box jumps or long jumps, ab exercises, lower back exercises (e.g. reverse hyperextensions, back extensions, planks), and conditioning work like high rep kettlebell snatches or swings. Prehab work like shoulder dislocations or band pull-aparts can work too.
GZCL Method Spreadsheets: General Gainz, UHF, Jacked and Tan 2.0, The Rippler & More [Complete]
- May 18, 2020
- Added a section for “Key GZCL Concepts & Program Differences” which is a great overview of the different GZCL program options.
- I removed the spreadsheet previews for most of the spreadsheets because of negative impact to page load speed, especially for mobile users. All of the spreadsheets are still there, you will just need to click on the Google Sheets link with the green icon.
- In depth post on GZCLP programs added to new post
Bred from the popular Reddit user /u/gzcl (also check out his blog and personal subreddit), these easy to use spreadsheets and calculators are based on the general “GZCL Method” for powerlifting.
(more…)Ivysaur 4-4-8 Beginner Program Spreadsheet
Ivysuar 4-4-8 Program Overview
Initially shared on Reddit’s /r/fitness community by /u/ivysaur, the Ivysaur 4-4-8 Beginner Program was designed to improve upon the foundation laid out by popular “sets of 5” novice lifting programs like Starting Strength and Strong Lifts. (more…)
Greg Nuckols 28 Programs Spreadsheet
Greg Nuckols released 28 program variations through his site, Stronger by Science.
In addition to these programs, I strongly recommend you check out The Art & Science of Lifting and the free lifting guides he authored. He also co-authors the best monthly round-up of cutting edge research on strength, hypertrophy, and related subjects. It’s called MASS and it’s absolutely worth a look. He even has a free issue available as a preview.
See also: Greg Nuckols High Frequency Program (free spreadsheet) (more…)
Jonnie Candito Linear Program Spreadsheet
The Candito Linear Program is a great strength program with 3 different variations that will rapidly add pounds on the bar for beginner and intermediate lifters alike. Now, enjoy in an easy to edit, mobile-friendly spreadsheet!
Connor Lutz 7 Week Beginner + Intermediate Powerlifting Programs
Connor Lutz is a powerlifting competitor and coach at Calgary Barbell. These are a few different powerlifting programs he shared several years back. There are three powerlifting programs in total: a beginner program, an updated intermediate program, and an old intermediate program. (more…)
Block Periodization Powerlifting Program (up to 36 Weeks) by Your Strongest Year
This is a collection of nine 4 week training blocks published by Your Strongest Year. They amount to 36 weeks of powerlifting programming that include volume blocks, intensity blocks, accumulation blocks, realization blocks, and strength training blocks, though you do not need to necessarily run all of them.
I think this is one of the coolest powerlifting programs offered on Lift Vault and I’m really excited to highlight it for you all. (more…)
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