This is a workout program attributed to Michael B. Jordan, supposedly used in preparation for his role in Creed. It utilizes 4 training days per week and can be run indefinitely. [Read more…]
Bench Press 2 Days per Week - Powerlifting Programs
These are bench press programs that call for the athlete to bench 2 days per week.
To search through all programs based on lots of different criteria, check out the Lift Vault Program Library.
Intermediate Bodybuilding Program Spreadsheet by Ripped Body (5 Day)
This is a 5 day intermediate bodybuilding program developed by the smart folks at Ripped Body. It runs for 4 weeks at a time, with the 4th week acting as a deload. It increases weight each week, but reduces volume each week of the cycle. If you’re still able to progress weekly without reducing sets or reps, then the beginner bodybuilding program is a better choice and will let you progress more quickly. [Read more…]
Beginner Bodybuilding Program Spreadsheet by Ripped Body (4 Day)
Designed by the smart folks at Ripped Body, this beginner bodybuilding workout routine is a great introduction to hypertrophy training for novices. The spreadsheet for this bodybuilding program for novices is based on this post shared by Ripped Body.
[Read more…]Mike Israetel 5 Week Hypertrophy Workout Routine Spreadsheet
Note: The below spreadsheet is based on the 2019 version of Mike Israetel’s articles on muscle group hypertrophy. As of March 2020, he is in the midst of updating these articles with new guidelines. These guidelines have not yet been taken into account in the spreadsheet, but an updated spreadsheet is in the works. For the latest thinking from Mike Israetel, please read the articles linked in this post. A second update will be posted here when the spreadsheet is updated.
Dr. Mike Israetel published a very popular article entitled Training Volume Landmarks for Rennaisance Periodization.
A summary of the article is below, though reading the article in its entirety is recommended.
[Read more…]Ivysaur 3 Week Intermediate Aesthetic Workout Routine
A progression from the recommended Ivysaur 4-4-8 Beginner Strength Program, the Ivysaur intermediate aesthetic program is a 5 day per week linear progression hypertrophy program. On it, you’ll be adding weight to your lifts every 3 weeks. [Read more…]
12 Week Supertotal Basics Program by Next Step Strength
This is a 12 week Supertotal program by Next Step Strength (Instagram). It has 4 training days per week and uses block periodization to expose the athlete to hypertrophy, strength, and peaking phases. It could be used when preparing for a Supertotal competition. [Read more…]
SuperTotal Program (17 Weeks) by Brian Simmons
This is a 17 week program for SuperTotal training designed by Brian Simmons. As a quick reminder, SuperTotal training combines the power lifts (squat, bench press, and deadlift) with Olympic lifts (snatch and clean & jerk). So it really requires well-rounded athleticism from the lifter. There’s a video at the bottom of this post that discusses SuperTotal training in more depth if you’re interested. [Read more…]
Tactical Barbell Program Templates (Operator, Zulu, Mass, and More)
This is a collection of templates for the Tactical Barbell program. Included are the operator, zulu, fighter, gladiator, mass, and grey man programs – all in the same spreadsheet.
[Read more…]14 Week Advanced Strength & Peaking Program – Squats & Science
This is a 14 week strength and peaking block for advanced powerlifters. It contains four training blocks and can be used to peak for a powerlifting meet. It was written by the highly accomplished folks at Squats & Science. [Read more…]
6 Week Beginner Powerlifting Peaking Block – Squats & Science
This is a 6 week beginner powerlifting peaking block from Squats & Science.
This is a pretty unique program because there aren’t many peaking program designed strictly for the beginner powerlifter. I believe [Read more…]
The Famous Reddit PPL Program Spreadsheet (Improved)
The 6 day PPL program known as the “Reddit PPL” or “Metallicadpa PPL” is a great workout routine for those looking to increase strength and gain size. Several different spreadsheets have been created for this program, which I go into a bit below. I’m bringing forth a new and improved version here after being frustrated by the shortcomings of past efforts.
[Read more…]8 Week Hypertrophy Program Spreadsheet (BigCoachD)
Edit 9/22/19: Fixed an issue with the inputs. Using a “.” (i.e. period, full stop) is now supported in the 1RM input fields.
This program is an 8 week hypertrophy training program inspired by Reddit user and strength coach /u/BigCoachD. Good for off-season powerlifting training, bodybuilding, or anyone looking to increase their work capacity and get bigger.
It is a 4 day program based on linear periodization. Week 1 starts at 5×12 @50% of 1RM and adds 5% each week, gradually working up to 5×8@67.5% in week 8. [Read more…]
Sheikburn Program Spreadsheet (Sheiko x Hepburn Method)
Sheikburn combines Hepburn Method style sets and rep structure (progressively adding more reps to the same weight OR adding more sets to the same rep range) Sheiko style periodization (alternating heavy days and light days).
Fans of “frankenprograms” like Megazord or GZCL / MagOrt / Deathbench will probably find this program interesting. [Read more…]
Coolcicada 6 Day PPL Spreadsheet
The Coolcicada PPL is a popular 6 day PPL that originated from a forum member. The original thread is here. It has since gained great notoriety as an effective program for building strength and muscular development in many lifters.
[Read more…]16 Week Wave Loading Powerlifting Program Spreadsheet
Wave loading is a loading progression where the volume and intensity of a lift changes rapidly from set to set, rising and falling and rising and falling. This is designed to help stimulate strength adaptation more rapidly, increase an athlete’s explosiveness, and grow work capacity. [Read more…]
Fred Hatfield (Dr. Squat) 12 Week Peaking Program Spreadsheet
This is a 12 week powerlifting peaking program designed by Fred Hatfield. It allows the athlete to input their current 1RM for the squat, bench press, and deadlift and programs every workout until meet day. It also includes a powerlifting meet attempt calculator. [Read more…]
Extended Russian Power Routine Spreadsheet
The 9 week Extended Russian Power Routine is an extended version of the Russian Squat Routine that is designed to peak all three competition lifts. It is extended from the 6 week Russian Squat Routine to allow for more recovery since the lifter will be lifting at high intensity for squat, bench press, and deadlift. [Read more…]
Brendan Tietz Beginner Powerlifting Program Spreadsheet
August 6, 2019 Update: The spreadsheet is now available for copying and sharing. Apologies for the mix up.
A beginner powerlifting program released by Brendan Tietz. A video overview and full program details are below. [Read more…]
Brian Alsruhe Conjugate Program
Brian Alsruhe’s conjugate program is a 16 week, 4 day per week strength program that utilizes conjugate methods (dynamic effort, max effort) to stimulate strength gains. It makes heavy use of resistance bands and chains so it is recommended that these are used when following the program.
Max effort days [Read more…]
Westside for Skinny Bastards Program Templates (WS4SB)
Westside for skinny bastards (WS4SB) was developed by Joe DeFranco in 2008 as an effective strength training program for beginner athletes. Below you’ll find two different spreadsheets / templates for the program.
A few things to clear up up front:
- Westside for skinny bastards is not a powerlifting program.
- The program is geared for general strength enthusiasts, from high school students to working professionals.
- While inspired by Westside Barbell Club, it is not affiliated with Westside or Louie Simmons.
- Like Westside, WS4SB is a templated approach to lifting – not a strict cookie cutter program based strictly on percentages of 1RM. This will require you to do a little reading and interpretation to follow it. Don’t let this intimidate you! It’s a well documented program.